2023-2024 Sr Princess
Kambryn Eubanks
Hello Everyone,
My name is Kambryn Ann Marie Eubanks. I grew up in Cut Bank Montana. It’s about 50 miles from the Canadian border and about 50 miles from Glacier National Park. My papa says if you’re not passing through to get somewhere else, you will probably never get here. I was born July 25th, 2008, I also started riding in Omoksee about 2009 with assistance on the candy bar race. When I was just two going on three years old I started riding and competing solo in Omoksee. In 2012 I received the youngest rider award in Libby, Montana (I had just turned 4 years old about a month and a half before the state competition) . In 2020 I was crowned MSCA Jr. Princess. I am now reigning as the Montana Saddle Club Association 2023-2024 Sr. Princess. I have done multiple things with my title so far, I first had the honor of carrying the American flag at the Danelle Burns Benefit Omoksee. I then was able to travel to Libby, Montana and had the honor of carrying the American Flag both days of their show. I set up a trunk at the local trunk or treat in Cut Bank on Halloween. I was able to hand out lots of candy. Veterans Day I set up cookies, coffee, and coco for Cut Banks local Veterans to show my love and support. I was able to ride in the Cut Bank Parade of lights. I also did a bake sale to raise money for Quailwings rescue, which is Cut Banks local animal shelter. On Valentines day I decided to spread the love by taking Valentines and cookies up to the nursing home In Cut Bank. Over the years I am thankful to have won multiple buckles (maybe, and hopefully more in the future) I have even won a saddle at the National Omoksee show. Even though I like to win, I am just as thankful for the prizes as I am for my O-mok-see family. I love being able to walk around and spark up a conversation with anyone I know. O-mok-see people have always been super welcoming, loving, and I couldn’t imagine reigning underneath any other association. It is truly a blessing to have my crown. My crown is slowly helping me break out of my shell, and turn to the person I want to be. I can’t wait to finish out my year with my reign, I plan and hope to do amazing things with my title. I hope to keep the Montana Saddle Club growing. It is definitely a lot more fun to win, when you have to work for it. Any girls out there that always dreamed of representing with a crown, here is where to start. As long as your heart is as heavy for royalty as the crown is you shall be set.
MSCA 2023-2024 Sr Princess Kambryn Eubanks