2023-2024 Jr Princess
Lydia Feight
Hello Everyone,
My name is Lydia Feight and I am your 2023-2024 MSCA Junior princess. I am a seventh grader at CR Anderson middle school in Helena Montana. Along with O-Mok-See I am also involved in 4-H, barrel racing and I am also going to try my hand at volleyball this year. I love all animals but especially my horse. I got involved in O-Mok-See to spend more time with my horse and learn games. My favorite game is the spur race, I love to go fast on my horse. So far this year I have enjoyed many different activities as your Junior princess. I volunteered at the carnival classic to teach kids about O-Mok-See, gave kids pony rides and scared people at the MSCA district 2 haunted house, sold raffle tickets at the Smith benefit, but my favorite was helping kids shop for shoes at the Hero’s and Helpers event. I have many other events planned for the rest of my reign and I look forward to getting the O-Mok-See name out there in our communities across the state. Thank you for this opportunity.
2023-2024 MSCA Jr Princess
Lydia Feight