
Welcome to the Montana Saddle Clubs Association

About Us

The sport of O-Mok-See originates with the Blackfoot Indian Tribe where they described a particular style of riding as “oh-mak-see pass-kan” meaning “riding big dance.” The second syllable of the first word is pronounced like our English word “mock”. The last syllable of the second word is pronounced like our “can”. The Blackfeet had no written language, all we can do is render the sounds. There is no incorrect spelling, so long as the sound is correctly presented. One might even desire to leave the second word ( meaning dance) off entirely, and simply make it oh-mak-see – riding big.The Blackfeet’s riding big dance was not celebrated for some fifty years. All the “old people” remember it as a very striking performance.


The man on Horseback, down through the ages, is set apart from the man on foot. A man in a car or in an airplane is, after all, merely a man devoid of the romantic feeling inspired by his horse. Perhaps the man, when mounted, takes on a little of the pride, courage, dependability, honesty, and competitive spirit of his good horse.

The West was won by the man on horseback and the saddle clubs carry on this tradition.

We saddle club people- men, women and children- ride for fun and not for business. Besides being with a horse, it is a pleasure to be with people with the same interests, resulting in one’s closest friendships.

To compete good-naturedly with ones friends is the best of sports. If one wins, it is of course fine. If he loses, it is still fine- if he tried hard and did his honest best.

A poor sportsman is a poor horseman. While anyone can be a good winner, it takes a real sportsman to be a good loser.

O-Mok-See Prayer

Dear lord,

We pause, mindful of the many blessings you have lain along our path. We don’t ask for special favors, nor do we ask that the blessing granted our opponents be diminished. Instead, we thank you for allowing us to experience friendships in one of its truest forms. To be able to gather with friends and loved ones to pay tribute to the great sport of O-Mok-See.

We ask that you guide us up the greatest lane of all, and that you as our final judge will allow us to ride once more, where the sun never sets and where happiness rides beside us and never behind. For this dear lord, we thank you.

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